Public transit providers in Oklahoma.
Of residents live near public transit access.
Counties in Oklahoma and public transit serves them all.
Passenger trips provided annually by OK Transits.

All About OkTA
We are the people and places moving public transit forward.
OkTA’s mission is to support public transit through advocacy, education, communication, and partnerships. We believe public transit improves communities, stimulates economies, and helps protect our environment. We believe that public transit is beyond discretionary, it is essential.
We know that with better public transit comes better quality of life for riders, non-riders, community stakeholders, businesses, and the public-at-large. It benefits even those who never use it. This is a defining characteristic of the Oklahoma Transit Association, and this belief is embedded in everything we do.
We work with elected officials and government professionals to shape the future of transit. We represent the interests of Oklahoma transit agencies and transit workers before the Oklahoma State Legislature, the governor, Congress, and regulatory agencies on the local, state, and federal levels.
Our informed membership actively engages state decision makers to shape transit-friendly policy, secure increased transit funding and promote the benefits of a balanced transportation system. We empower our members to speak with a stronger voice, learn through education and training that we provide, and communicate with other transit providers and transportation stakeholders.
Founded in 1983, the Oklahoma Transit Association (OkTA) is the state’s voice for public transit. Our membership is comprised of the 37 urban, small urban, suburban, rural, and tribal transit agencies in the state who share the common priority of providing and improving mobility and access for all Oklahomans. We are supported by industry vendors who share that vision and our community partners who collaborate with us to move transit forward.
The Oklahoma Transit Association is committed to diversity, creating equity across our state transit systems, and fostering and advancing a culture of inclusion. We know different backgrounds, beliefs, and experiences are part of the common collective of our transit riders, providers, and stakeholders. We encourage our members to create an inclusive environment and respect the dignity and diversity of all people to achieve equitable access for all.