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The National Rural Transit Assistant Program creates rural and tribal transit solutions through technical assistance, collaboration and free training and transit industry materials
The Transportation Technical Assistance Coordination Library provides information on rural and tribal transit resources across a diverse range assistance centers.
National Association of City Transportation Officials Transit Peer Network meets regularly to share lessons, develop guidance products and publications, and hosts in-city roundtables and roadshows, and NACTO’s annual Designing Cities Conference.
The Tribal Crash Reporting Toolkit is designed by the Federal Highway Safety Administration is used to help Tribal governments collect, manage, and analyze crash data.
FTA provides grants to local public transit systems, including buses, subways, light rail, commuter rail, trolleys, and ferries.
APTA and CTAA provides several educational resources and access to additional transit research materials that is accessible to the public.
The Rural Health Information Hub, formerly the Rural Assistance Center, is where you will find data, tools, and even transit funding opportunities for rural communities.
Oklahoma Transportation includes the Office of Mobility and Transit. The state's first public transit plan, themed "Oklahoma Mobility," is being developed in partnership between ODOT and OkTA.
The National Aging and Disability Transportation Center (NADTC) promotes the availability and accessibility of transportation options that meet the needs of older adults, people with disabilities, and caregivers.
The National Center for Mobility Management facilitates collaborations among state-level agencies or tribal nation who are working together to address the positive role of transportation in reducing social isolation among older adults.
Hear from the top transit professionals around the world, sharing their personal stories about becoming transit leaders, and their thoughts on the future of transit.